Hamdard University Bangladesh is an independent, non-political and not-for-profit private academic institution. It gives top priority to maintain a healthy academic atmosphere on the campus. Students of Hamdard University Bangladesh are expected to cooperate to reach this goal to enhance their academic achievements, maintaining discipline, keeping the campus clean and being good neighbors and model of good citizens.

The academic rules and regulations for studying at Hamdard University Bangladesh provide detailed information concerning class attendance, examination guidelines, students’ outfit, disciplinary matters, etc. Students are advised to strictly abide by these rules and regulations.


Hamdard University Bangladesh (HUB) allows credit transfer from other recognized institutions or universities from home and abroad under the following guidelines:

  • Credit transfer shall occur only from other recognized universities/ institutions from abroad and/ or from UGC/ government approved universities/ institutions situated in Bangladesh
  • The maximum transfer of credit shall NOT exceed 40% of the total course-credits for a given degree—undergraduate or graduate program.
  • All credit transfers shall be subject to the approval of the HUB Academic Council based on the recommendations made by the HUB Equivalence Committee.
  • Credits requested for transfer shall have a minimum GPA of C+ for undergraduate (C+ = 2.5/ 4.0) and B for graduate level (B = 3.0/ 4.0).
  • A student intending transfer of credits shall be a regular student at her/ his previous university/ institution where s/he has earned the credits.
  • Part-time students are also allowed to transfer credits from their previous institutions, if applicable.
  • Only unutilized (for another degree) credits (from other universities/ institutions shall be transferred to HUB.


The University teaching meets the demand of the time by adopting present-day teaching methods and strategies including interactive teaching-learning, simulation, lab work, case analysis and field study. A special feature of the university teaching is workshop/ lab sessions designed to assist students in learning application of concepts (mostly activity-based education) and theories.

As mandated by UGC, the medium of instruction at this University is English. For better comprehension on the part of the freshman (new intakes/ students) a compulsory course in Basic English is offered in each new semester taught by the Department of English with the help of the University Language Laboratory.