Disciplinary Procedure
Any member of the community in this University may file a complaint against any student for misconduct or for otherwise being in violation of the University policies.
The complaint shall be prepared in writing or use as an incident report and directed to the Proctor of the University or his/her delegates.
The written complaint or incident report should include the nature of the offense, date, approximate time and location of the incident. The name of the victim, offender and witness(s), if any, may be included.
Complaints or incident reports should be submitted within 72 hours after the alleged violation occurred unless there are extenuating circumstances requiring a longer timeframe.
The Proctor or the Proctorial Body may review the complaint to determine if the allegations have factual merit, to identify violations of the student conduct policy, and to impose sanctions for such violations. The recommendations of the Proctor/the Proctorial Body will be submitted to the Disciplinary Committee for appropriate action.