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In this lab, students are introduced to the experiments based on what they learned in the Physics I and Physics II courses. Necessary equipment such as swings, spherometer, screw gauss, vernier scale, mirror, lens etc. are available to conduct those labs properly. Using the equipment, the students learn how to find out the volume of a Cylinder, the volume of a Cubic metal, the diameter, radius and area of a metallic Wire, the thickness of a Glass Sample, the location of Image position etc.
Chemistry laboratory is under the department of Electrical and Electronics. It was established from 2012 which was the starting year of Hamdard University Bangladesh.
There is many equipment in this laboratory like Ring Stand (supports the Bunsen Burner, Iron ring, pipe stem triangle, and other items, often while heating a substance), Test Tubes, Beaker, Erlenmeyer flask, Volumetric flask, Funnel, Graduated cylinder, Buret, Dropper, Florence flask and so on.
The material are Sulphuric Acid, Acetic Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Ammonium Thiocyanate, Potassium Dichromate, Potassium Iodide, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium, Permanganate, Silver Nitrate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Thiosulfate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Oxalate, Sulpher Powder, Copper Sulphate, Diphenylamine, activated charcoal, Methyl Orange, Phenolphthalein and etc.
More than Ten (10) experiments usually conduct in the chemistry laboratory like, Standardization of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) solution with standard Oxalic Acid (HOOC-COOH.2H2O) solution, Standardization of Hydrochloric Acid (HCI) with standard Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), Standardization of Hydrochloric Acid (HCI) with standard Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) solution, Standardization of Sodium Thiosulphate solution with a standard Potassium Dichromate solution, Estimation of Copper Contained in Supplied solution by Iodometric Method, Determination of Ferrous Iron by a standard Potassium Dichromate solution, Standardization of Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) solution with standard sodium Oxalate (NaOOC-COONa) solution, Determination of Ferrous Ion in a solution by standard KMno4 solution and so on.
In this lab, students are introduced to the basic electrical components like Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor, Ammeter, Voltmeter, multimeter etc. Students are taught some rudimentary theories like ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage law, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem and also different types of ac circuit theory in practically. Besides equipment, the software like PSPICE are also used to perform the experiments.
In Engineering drawing lab students are given the basic knowledge of technical drawings which helps them to learn all architectural, structural and civil engineering knowledge. In this lab the students are taught about lettering, engineering curves, projection of points, lines and solids, Orthographic and isometric projection. At the end of the lab they are given a project to construct a floor design for summarizing the outcome of learning. In Hamdard university Bangladesh our lab is well equipped with drawing board table, wooden stool, and capable of teaching 40 students in the lab.
There are contemporary electronics lab facilities in the university. Different types of scrupulous instruments like Diodes, Transistors, SCRs, different kinds of ICs, Power diodes, Oscilloscope, Digital IC Tester, DC Power Supply, Function Generator, Digital Electronics kit etc. are available in the laboratory. Experiments are conducted based on electronic circuits courses.
Students are introduced with modern digital electronics circuits in this laboratory. Experiments are conducted to verify De-Morgan’s Theorem, logic gates and their truth tables, K-Map and Quine- McCluskey method, Combinational logic design using MSI and LSI. Adders, subtractors, Code Converters, Magnitude Comparators, Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, De-multiplexer, ROM, RAM, Programmable logic Array (PLA), D/A and A/D converters, Sequential logic system such as Flip-Flops, clocked RS, JK, Master Slave JK, D-type, T-type Flip-Flops etc. All the required ICs and digital electronics kits are available in this laboratory.
The energy conversion lab of Hamdard University Bangladesh provides the chance to the students to put theory knowledge into practical. The energy conversion lab is well decorated with all equipment needed to conduct all tests and measurements that the students need to learn more about the major types of motors, generators and transformers. All the tests and measurements of single-phase transformer, three phase transformers, motor, generator like turns ratio, phase relation, open circuit test and short circuit test, motor characteristics, generator characteristics test can be performed at the lab. Major equipment in machine lab are - Dc motor, Dc generator, Synchronous motor, Alternator, Transformer, Exciter, Wattmeter, Resistance Starter for DC series Motor, Three-point DC starter V-230 Regulator.
There is an 8086 and 8085 microprocessor kit available in this laboratory. In this laboratory, different type of experiments related to Microprocessor and Interfacing are performed using the kit and computer software. Different experiments are performed using assembly language programming in the computer software and they are verified in the 8086 and 8085 microprocessor kits.
Power electronics laboratory are equipped with necessary equipment such as power diodes, power MOSFETs, SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, UJT, MESFETs, different types of oscillators etc. Students are encouraged to complete a lab project based on what they learned in the theory course. Students learn to design different types of converters and inverters in this laboratory.
For measurement lab the students are introduced to the earth fault detection, Ammeter’s and voltmeter’s range measurement, power factor improvement and energy meter. At the end of the lab students are assigned to a project in group basis to implement their gathered knowledge. In our university the lab is well equipped with ammeter, voltmeter, resistor, capacitor, rheostat, bulb and other required instruments are gradually made available as needed. Advanced instruments such as Megger, earth resistance tester are available in this laboratory.
The main components of this Lab are Modules of Digital Communication Trainer, Modules of Telephone Trainer Kit, Active Filters & RF Oscillators, AM Modulator & Demodulator, DSB-SC & SSB Modulator and Demodulator, FM Modulator & Demodulator, TDM Multiplexer &Demultiplexer, FDM Multiplexer &Demultiplexer, A/D and D/A converter, Pulse Code Modulation & Transmitter kit, Pulse Code Demodulation & Receiver kit, ASK Modulator & Demodulator, FSK Modulator & Demodulator, PSK Modulator & Demodulator, Power supply, Function Generator, DC Power Supply, Oscilloscope, etc. Other required instruments are gradually made available as needed.
Students get the privilege of having practical idea of optical communication based on what they learn in optical communication theory course. Optical Transmitter and receiver kits are available in this laboratory where experiments can be conducted to verify reflection, refraction, dispersion and attenuation of signal propagation through fiber cables.
We have two advanced computer labs. There are about 10 computers in each of the laboratory. One Laboratory is used by the students for performing their academical task like Thesis, Assignment etc. In the Second Laboratory, Digital Signal Processing lab, Control Systems lab, Power System Simulation lab and Computer Aided Circuit Analysis and Design lab are conducted. However, development of advanced Control Systems lab and Power System lab with sophisticated equipment are on process.
In the Laboratory, Students get to learn about sampling and quantization of signal, Different types of digital filtering like FIR, IIR, Butterworth, Fourier and Inverse Fourier transform, discrete and analog signal modulation, Z-transform visually. Based on the knowledge of theory course, digital image processing is also taught in this laboratory. Experiments are performed by simulation with the software like MATLAB which is very much helpful in research.
In this laboratory, students have the privilege to visualize different control applications such as electromechanical systems, f-v and f-i analogy, motor drive control etc. Project is assigned in this lab and students get to learn about the stability of a system. Along with stability, they learn how to improve a system be reducing steady state errors, disturbances and about the effects of additional poles and zeros in a system. The learn about the practical implementation of PID controller in this laboratory. There is also a PLC kit where they learn about the ladder logic.
In this lab, Students will learn about power system practically. Experiments are performed in the lab by machine like motor, generator, transformer etc. from machine lab. The maximum experiments are taught by simulation software which is very much helpful in research. Currently an advanced Power System lab with sophisticated equipment is on process. There will be different prototype transmission line simulators along with CBs and other necessary protection equipment where experiments can be conducted to visualize different faults and so on.
In this lab, students are introduced to the fundamental concepts and structures of designing digital VLSI systems include CMOS devices and circuits, CMOS design rules, static and dynamic logic. After finishing this lab, students will be able to apply CMOS technology-specific layout rules in the placement and routing of transistors and interconnect, and to verify the functionality, timing, power, and parasitic effects. The ultimate goal of this lab is to introduce the concepts and techniques of modern integrated circuit design and students are well taught some of the designing integrated circuits using Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools. At the end of this lab, students are assigned to complete a significant VLSI design project having a set of objective criteria and design constraints. Latest model of Cyclone IV E FPGA with Verilog HDL (on Altera DE2-115 Development Board) is available in this laboratory. FPGAs are reconfigurable logic blocks which can be programmed by Hardware Description Language like Verilog to perform a specific functionality.
In this laboratory, students have necessary equipment to work on robotics and Embedded system such as automatic home appliance control, industrial automation etc. This laboratory encourages research activities. PIC Microcontroller trainer board, AVR Microcontroller trainer board, several types of sensors like motion sensor, ultrasonic sensor, temperature Sensor, proximity sensor, accelerometer, IR sensor (Infrared sensor), pressure sensor, light sensor, ultrasonic sensor, Smoke, Gas and Alcohol sensor etc. are available in this laboratory.