1. Plants have anti-inflammatory effects to restore and rejuvenation of life- an analysis. Md. Shahinoor Rahman Dulal, Mohammad Abu Taher and Muhammad Anwar Hossain. wjpmr, 2019, 5(2), 22-26.
    2. Antioxidant phytochemicals and some research on plants- a review. Md. Shahinoor Rahman Dulal, Mohammad Abu Taher and Muhammad Anwar Hossain. wjpmr, 2019,5(3), 40-4
    3. A brief analysis of the ancient roman medical system. Mohammad Abu Taher, Md. Khairul Alam, Md. Moniruzzaman Khan, Md. Abdul Mannan and Muhammad Anwar Hossain. International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine 2019; 3(1): 37-40

    1. Md Masum Billah and Rejwana Rabbi et al. (2016): “Health Status and Dietary Pattern of Senior Citizens of Dhaka City”, Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh, Vol. 3,No. 1, June, page 65-74.
    2. Abu Bin Nyeem, Nazrul Islam and Md Masum Billah et al. (2016): “Antidiarrhoeal and Antimicrobial activities of the methanolic extract of the flowering tops of Rosa damascene”, International Journal of Current Research, 8, (05), 30547-30551.
    3. Abu Bin Nyeem and Md. Masum Billah et al. (2017): “Phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology of parasitic plant Cuscuta reflexa: A review” International Journal of Academic Research and Development, Volume 2; Issue 1; January; Page No. 71-75
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    2. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Alternative Medicine among Bangladeshi Population.
    3. Association between depression and Pregnancy related health problems among garments workers in Narayanganj.

    1. Md. Monir Ahammed, (2019), Medicinal plants their active ingredients and mechanisms of actions on diabetes mellitusInternational Conference on Fundamentals of Unani Medicine, The Basis for Complete Health, 3rd-4th December 2019. India.
    2. Md. Monir Ahammed, (2019) Role of Phytochemical for the management of diabetes mellitusInternational Conference on 4th Young Scientist Congress, 13-15 December 2019, Bangladesh.
    3. Md. Monir Ahammed, Md. Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Abdul Mannan, MSA Mansur Ahmed (2018), Knowledge, attitude and practice of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among selected adult Bangladeshi population, International Journal of Advanced Research and Development ISSN: 2455-4030  Volume 3; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 869-877.
    4. Mohammed Saiful Islam Chowdhury, Md. Monir Ahammed, Mohammad Abu Taher, Md. Anisur Rahman and M.S.A Mansur Ahmed (2018). “Knowledge, attitude and practice towards use of herbal aphrodisiac among unani & ayurvedic health care seekers in Dhaka city, Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Volume 4; Issue 4; December 2018; Page No. 400-405.
    5. Md. Khairul Alam, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, AKM Mamun Ur Rashid, Md. Abdul Mannan, Md. Monir Ahammed (2018), Antihyperlipidemic effect of some medicinal plants used in Bangladeshi traditional medicine: A review, International Journal of Chemistry Studies, Volume 2; Issue 3; May 2018; Page No. 25-29.
    6. Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Mohammad Abu Taher, Md. Khairul Alam, Md. Abdul Mannan & Md. Monir Ahammed (2018). Pharmacological effects of Crocus sativus (Zaffran) and its chemical constituents: A review. International Journal of Chemical Science. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education, Volume 3, Issue 2, Page No: 593-597.
    7. Mohammad Abu Taher, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Monir Ahammed, Md. Mobarak Hossain and Mohammad Nazrul Islam (2017), Moringa oleifera (Shajna): the wonderful indigenous medicinal plant, Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research  Volume 3; Issue 01; October 2017; Page No. 20-30.
    8. Mohammad Abu Taher, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Monir Ahammed, Md. Saiful Islam Chowdhury (2017), Ilaj-bil Tadbeer (Regimental Therapy): A review. International Journal of Medical and Health Research, Volume 3; Issue 10; October 2017; Page No. 54-56, www.medicalsciencejournal.com
    9. Md. Nuruzzaman, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Khairul Alam, Md. Monir Ahammed, Md. Abdul Mannan, BM Rabiul Islam (2017), Awareness on pulmonary tuberculosis among adult population in selected area of Rajshahi city, Bangladesh. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, Volume 2; Issue 4; July 2017; Page No. 36-41, www.allscientificjournal.com.
    10. Mohammad Abu Taher, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Masum Billah and Md. Monir Ahammed (2017), Vinca alkaloid- the second most used alkaloid for cancer treatment- A review. International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education Volume 2; Issue 2; Page No.723-727.
    11. Mohammad Omar Faruque, Md. Nuruzzaman, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Monir Ahammed and Md. Abdul Mannan (2017), Factors affecting therapeutic compliance among the patients with rheumatic heart disease in Bangladesh, International Journal of Chemical Studies, Volume; 5 Issue 6, Page No: 2103-2106.
    12. Md Monir Ahammed, Md Masum Billah et. al (2016): “Prevalence of Anemia among patients attending Out Patient Department (OPD) of Hamdard University Bangladesh, Narayanganj, Bangladesh”, JATMED, ISSN No(P).2307 4728, vol.3, issue1, 2016
    13. Md. Monir Ahammed, Khairul Alam, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Mohammad Abu Taher, Md. Masum billah and Hasib Sheikh (2017). Evaluate the effectiveness of carica papaya leaf to enhance the platelet count in case of thrombocytopenia. Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicines. ISSN NO (P):2307-4728, Vol.4, Issue 1. 2017
    14. Md Masum Billah, Md Babul Akter, Md Monir Ahammed et. al (2016): “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Alternative Medicine among Bangladeshi Population”, JATMED, ISSN No(P).2307 4728, vol.3, issue1, 2016.
    15. Dr. Mohammad Abu Taher and Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed et. al (2016):  Effect of turmeric and garlic paste on leucocytosis in guinea pigs model, JATMED, ISSN No(P).2307 4728, vol.3, issue1, 2016.
    16. Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Monir Ahammed, Nazrul Islam and Md Masum Billah et. al (2016): “Antibacterial activity of the crude ethanol extract of the flowering tops of Rosa damascene, JATMED,ISSN  No(P).2307 4728, vol.3, issue1, 2016.
    17. Mohammad Abu Taher, Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Abdul Mannan, Md. Monir Ahammed and Jubayer Mahmud (2017). A natural antihypothyroidism action by ashwagandha root extracts- a research based approach. Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicines. ISSN NO (P):2307-4728, Vol.4, Issue 1.
    18. Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Md. Khairul Alam, Mohammad Abu Taher, Mohammad Nazrul Islam, Md. Abdul Mannan and Md. Monir Ahammed (2017). Quality control of herbal medicine. Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicines. ISSN NO (P):2307-4728, Vol.4, Issue 1.
    19. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2015) Medicinal benefits of ‘Ginkgo biloba” Health Magazine, ISSN NO: 2077-7299, Volume-7, Issue-11, November 2015.
    20. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2015): ‘Trphala’ Natures Amazing Ayurvedic Energizer& Universal Panacea, Health Magazine ISSN NO: 2077-7299, Vol. 6, Issue 1.
    21. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2014) on Nutritional values and Medicinal benefits of “Coriandrum sativum”, Health Magazine, ISSN NO: 2077-7299, Volume-5, Issue-3, December 2014..
    22. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2014) health benefits of ‘Plantago ovate” Health Magazine, Volume-4, Issue-11, August 2014.
    23. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2013), Health benefits of “Saraca indica” Health Magazine, ISSN NO: 2077-7299, Volume-3, Issue-7, April 2013
    24. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2012): ‘Trphala’ Excellent Universal Panacea, Health Magazine ISSN NO: 2077-7299, Vol. 2, Issue 6, May 2012
    25. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2011), Review article on Medicinal uses of Zingiber officinalis, Health Magazine, ISSN NO: 2077-7299,  Volume-2, Issue-1, October 2011
    26. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2011) Medicinal benefits of ‘Terminalia Arjuna” Health Magazine, ISSN NO: 2077-7299, Volume-1, Issue-7, April 2011.
    27. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2010) “Momordica charantea” a unique medicinal plants to control Diabetes Mellitus’ Health Magazine, ISSN NO: 2077-7299, Volume-85, June 2010.
    28. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2009) “Centella asiatica” an excellent medicinal plants’ Health Magazine, ISSN NO: 2077-7299,  Volume-74, July 2009
    29. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2009) ,Nutritional values and Medicinal benefits of Hibiscus esculentus, Health Magazine, ISSN NO: 2077-7299, Volume-76, September 2009
    30. Dr. Md. Monir Ahammed (2017): ‘Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting” A review Monthly Chetonar Alo, Vol. 1, Issue 1.


    1. Dr. AlamgirMoti, Dr. K.M. ShamimulHasan,Dr. Md. Babul Akter.Doctrine of signature (DOS) PrakritikChikitsharNotunDigonto DOS therapy-published by Modern Prokashoni, ISBN:989-300-002749-6, 1 November 2008.

    2. Dr. AlamgirMoti, Dr. K.M. ShamimulHasan,Dr. Md. Babul Akter.SHUSTHO THAKAR SONALI UPAY(Bengali)-published by Modern Prokashoni, ISBN:984-300-000474-3, 15 March 2006.

    3. Dr. Md. Babul Akter.DESHOJOVESHAJO O’ TAR PROYOG (INDIGENOUS MEDICINES AND THEIR APPLICATION)- published by Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB),ISBN No: 984-31-1373-X, June 2001.



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    1. Md. Babul akter, Muhammad ArifHasan, Ishtiaque Ahmed Showdhury, ProjjalKanti, Biswas, Marjana Khalil, SwagataSarkarLopa, Mohammed MotaherHossainChowdhury, M.S.K Choudhuri and Mohammad JashimUddin (2015)Preclinical  blood chemistry safety profile studies of ROHITAKARISTA on the kidney function  after chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawley rats. Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh 2(1), 163-176.
    2. Md. Babul akter,MdMobassherHossain, KamrunNaharAfifa, Md. RakibHasan, Maksud Hassan Binoy, NayemaAbedinShakhi, M. Salahuddinbhuiya and M.S.K Choudhuri (2014)Preclinical  HBA1c Level studies ofDASAMULARISTAafter chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawley rats. Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh 1(1), 181-190.



    1. TasminaRahman, Md. MahmudurRahmanMamun,Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury, RakibHasan Md. Babul Akterand M.S.K Choudhuri (2017)EeffectofAshwagandharistaon different hematologic parameters at different dose level utilizing Sprague-Dawley rats.4th convention Society for Ethnopharmacology, September 9-10 September, Kolkata, India, Page 46.

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    4. Dr. Md. Babul akter, Dr. VivekShukla and Professor Dr. V.D. Shukla (2005) A comparative study on Sandhivata specially on Osteoarthritis and management by PANCHATIKTA GHRITA GUGGULU and NADISWEDA National symposium on ayurvedic management of musculoskeletal disorders 03-04 December, Pune, India.

    5. Babul Akter,M.S. Baghel and V.D. Shukla (2004) Ayurvedic medicine on primary healthcare(P.H.C.) in Bangladesh for better health, national seminar on Ayurveda for better health and workshop on clinical application of Rasa shastra 24-25 January, Gujarat, In


    1. Md. Babul Akter,MuhammedMamun Mia, Md. Abu Adnan Khan, md.MamunSikder,Ishtiaque Ahmed Showdhury, Md. Al Foyjul Islam, masumShahriar,M.S.KChoudhuri (2017)Preclinical safety profile studies ofYogarajGugguluafter chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawleyrats.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 5thAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 4(1), 59-60.

    2. Saleh Mohammad AbdurRahaman, Md. Babul Akter,EpshetaHaque, IsratJabin Emu, Md. MamunSikder and M.S.K Choudhuri (2016)Study on the effect of  chronic administration ofKancanaraGugguluon different hematologic parameters inmale Sprague-Dawleyrats.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 4thAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 3(1), 62-63.

    3. Md. MafizulKabir, Md. Babul Akter,AnindyaBarua, TahminaAkter Sony, ShemontyHasanandM.S.KChoudhuri (2016)Study on the effect of  chronic administration ofTriphalaGugguluon different hematologic parameters inmale Sprague-Dawleyrats.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 4thAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 3(1), 63.

    4. MoudadaChowdhuryBithi, Md. Babul Akter,Md. Al Foyjul Islam, Imtiaz Ansari, MustariHossain and M.S.K Choudhuri (2016)Study on the effect of  chronic administration ofNavakarshikGugguluon different hematologic parameters inmale Sprague-Dawleyrats.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 4thAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 3(1), 64-65.

    5. Biddut Kumar Biswas, Md. Babul Akter,MahjabinMustariTeerana, Masnoon Ali, TasniyaNahiyanZulfiqar and M.S.K Choudhuri (2016)Preclinical  HBA1c studies ofKancanaraGugguluafter chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawleyrats.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 4thAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 3(1), 65.

    6. Khan TazulArefin, Md. Babul Akter,Md. MaksudulHoqueRatul, ShaikhArif Ahmed, FerdousiAkter and M.S.K Choudhuri (2016)Preclinical  HBA1c studies ofTriphalaGugguluafter chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawleyrats.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 4thAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 3(1), 66.

    7. Taslima Islam, Md. Babul Akter,A.A.M. RakiburRahman, ImtiajHossainChowdhury, Konica ArjuLeeza and M.S.K Choudhuri (2016)Preclinical  HBA1c studies ofNavakarshikGugguluafter chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawleyrats.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 4thAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 3(1), 66.

    8. Md. ShahabuddinkabirChowdhury,Md. SayedurRahmanMiah, Md. Babul Akter,Md. Reajul Islam, Md. MasudParvez(2014)Comparative effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine and Allopathic medicine in Knee Osteoarthritis.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 3rdAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2(1), 40.
    9. Babul Akter,Raaja Ram Mahto,A.R.Dave and V.D. Shukla (2014)Clinical study on SandhigataVata with special reference  to Osteoarthritis and its management by PanchatiktaGhritaGuggulu 6th International Botanical Conference, December 06-07, Dhaka, bangladesh, Page 104.

    10. Md. Babul Akter,Ishtiaque Ahmed Showdhury, SwagataSarkar, NaymaAbedin, Md. RakibHasan and M.S.K Choudhuri (2013)Preclinical safety profile studies ofTryodashangaGugguluafter chronic administration to male Sprague-Dawleyrats.Journal of Ayurvedicand Traditional medicines, 2ndAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1(1), 100-101.

    11. Md. Babul Akter,Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury, SwagataSarkar, NaymaAbedin, Md. RakibHasan and M.S.K Choudhuri (2013)Study on the effect of  chronic administration ofTryodashangaGugguluon different hematologic parameters inmale Sprague-Dawley rats. 1st International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences:A Global Approach, Chottagong, Bangladesh, Page 50.

    12. M. MafruhiSattar, Md. Babul Akterand  M.S.KChoudhuri (2012)Safety studies of NavayasaLauha.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 1stAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, page 77.

    13. M. MafruhiSattar, Md. Babul Akterand  M.S.KChoudhuri (2012)Safety studies of PiyusavalliRasa.Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional medicines, 1stAyuns International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh, page 77.

    14. ShurabHossain, Md. Babul Akter,ProjjalKantiBiswas, Md..MahmudurRahman, FarheenFaroqueRuchita and M.S.K Choudhuri (2013)Preclinical blood chemistry safety profile studies ofpancatiktaGhritaGugguluafter chronic administration to male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. An international conference on Green chemistry for sustainable development, Jessore, Bangladesh, page 170-171.