1 |
Dr. Farooq Hossan Associate Professor and Dean (Acting) |
Advertising in Different Satellite TV Channels: The Case of Bangladesh |
Advertisement |
2015 Completed |
12 |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh ISSN 2409-9627, vol. 2, Issue 1, December 2015. p. 177 - 188 |
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2 |
Customers’ attitudes toward advertisement on the telecommunication companies in Bangladesh |
advertisement |
2015 Completed |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh ISSN 2409-9627, vol. 2, Issue 2, December 2015, p. 117 - 132 |
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3 |
Green Marketing and Its Practices in Bangladesh |
Marketing |
2001 Completed |
Journal of Business and Technical Progress, ISSN 2224-1884, vol. 4, No. 1, June 2015, p. 82 - 92 |
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4 |
Green Banking in Bangladesh: Policy to Establish and Bank-Management Attitude Towards it |
advertisement |
2015 Completed |
Journal of Business and Technical Progress, ISSN 2224-1884, vol. 4, No. 1, June 2015, p. 82 - 92 |
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5 |
Mobile Advertising in the form of SMS – Status and Potentials in Bangladesh |
advertisement |
2015 Completed |
Green University Review of Social Sciences, ISSN 2313-237X, vol. 02, Issue. 01, June 2015, p. 79 - 92 |
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6 |
Impact of Hotels on Environment: Features of Green Hotels to Overcome Environmental Pollution |
Green Hotels (Environmental Pollution) |
2014 Completed |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh ISSN 2409-9627, vol. 1, Issue 1, September 2014, p. 95 -107 |
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7 |
Green Banking: Review of Green Products and Policy Guideline to Establish in Bangladesh, |
Green Banking |
2014 Completed |
Bpdm Journal of Research, ISSN 2225-9767, vol. 1, Issue-2, May 2014, p. 122-127 |
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8 |
Affiliate Marketing: The Case of Content Providers in Bangladesh, |
Marketing |
2013 Completed |
World Journal of Social Sciences vol. 3, No. 2, March 2013 Issue, p. 103-113 |
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9 |
Marketing Mix and Customer Analysis of Real Estate Companies of Dhaka City |
Marketing |
2013 Completed |
Journal of Science and Technology ISSN 2079-472x, vol. 3, No. 1, January 2013, p. 217- 226 |
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10 |
Problems of Real Estate Development in Suburban Areas of Bangladesh |
Real Estate Development |
2012 Completed |
Journal of Socio economic Research and Development ISSN 1813-0348, vol. 9, Issue 5, October 2012, p. 1333-1340 |
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11 |
Incentives and Support Services Towards Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in Bangladesh |
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in Bangladesh |
2012 Completed |
Journal of Socio economic Research and Development ISSN 1813-0348, vol. 9, Issue 3, June 2012, p. 1242-1250 |
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12 |
A Conceptual Evaluation of Traditional and Multi-level Marketing |
Marketing |
2012 Completed |
World Journal of Social Science, ISSN 1838-3785, vol- 2, No -4, July 2012, p. 34-43 |
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13 |
Md. Faruk Hossain , Associate Professor |
Board Composition, Insider Ownership and Firm Performance: Evidence from Post-Shock Period of Stock Prices in Bangladesh |
Stock Prices in Bangladesh |
2019 Completed |
9 |
Khulna University Business Review: A Journal of Business Administration Discipline - 14(1).(Article-in-press) |
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https://kubusinessreview.com/volume-15/kubr-2020-15-1-1/ |
14 |
Reforms in Internal Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Its Effects on Firm Performance in Bangladesh |
Corporate Governance |
2018 Completed |
International Review of Business Research Papers - 14(2), 24-44.(ERA Indexed) |
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https://zantworldpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2.-Faruk.pdf |
15 |
Impact of Internal and External Factors on Stock Price Movements: Empirical Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange |
Stock Price Movements |
2018 Completed |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh 2(2),101-116. |
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16 |
Testing the Empirical Validity of Capital Asset Pricing Model: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange |
Capital Asset Pricing Model |
2018 Completed |
The International Journal of Business & Management 2(10), 208-214 |
1.223; IIFS |
https://www.academia.edu/39498002/The_International_Journal_Of_Business_and_Management_THE_INTERNATIONAL_JOURNAL_OF_BUSINESS_and_MANAGEMENT_Testing_the_Empirical_Validity_of_Capital_Asset_Pri |
17 |
Impact of Firm Specific Factors on Cash Dividend Payment Decisions: Evidence from Bangladesh |
Capital Market |
2014 Completed |
International Review of Business Research 10(2), 62-80.(ERA Indexed)(Citation: 14)Papers |
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https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Impact-of-Firm-Specific-Factors-on-Cash-Dividend-Hossain-Sheikh/388d69cddf74631158746505fd2d1370afb873a0 |
18 |
Impact of Firm Specific Factors on Capital Structure Decision: An Empirical Study of Bangladeshi Companies |
Capital Market |
2012 Completed |
International Journal of Business Research and Management (IJBRM) 3(4), 163-182.(Citation: 84 |
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https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Impact-of-Firm-Specific-Factors-on-Capital-An-Study-Hossain-Ali/338cdecb55c569cdcffe46787494d5c396f61b66 |
19 |
Factors Affecting Selection of Equity Shares: The Case of Retail Investors in Bangladesh |
Capital Market |
2012 Completed |
European Journal of Business and Management 4(20), 110-124.(Citation: 07) |
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https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/EJBM/article/view/3606 |
20 |
SMEs Loan Disbursement and Recovery Management of BRAC Bank Limited: An Empirical Analysis ,Proshikhyan |
SMEs Loan |
2012 Completed |
Proshikhyan, A Journal of Training and Development 20(2), 33-57 |
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21 |
Factors Affecting Customer’s Preferences in Selecting Credit Card in Bangladesh. |
Credit Card in Bangladesh. |
2012 Completed |
European Journal of Business and Management 6(12), 62-70. |
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https://www.academia.edu/39498004/Factors_Affecting_Customers_Preferences_in_Selecting_Credit_Card_in_Bangladesh |
22 |
Sonjoy Maitra, Assistant Professor |
Compliance Practices in Ready Made Garment Industry of Bangladesh |
Garment Industry |
2019 Completed |
7 |
Business Review-Bangladesh. 7 (2), 82-88. |
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23 |
Age-Related Differences in the Relations between Individualized Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance: A Small-Scale Employer Survey. |
Human Resource Management |
2017 Completed |
Journal of Dhaka International University 9(2), 14-21. |
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24 |
Factors for Determining Human Resource Supply in Bangladesh. |
Human Resource Supply |
2017 Completed |
Journal of Dhaka International University 9(1), 92-99. |
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25 |
Problem & Prospect of Tea Industry in Bangladesh. |
Tea Industry |
2017 Completed |
Business Review-Bangladesh 6(1&2), 57-65. |
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26 |
Detecting and combating intentional deception like fraud and embezzlement at the corporate level in developing countries: Emerge role play in forensic accounting. |
Forensic accounting. |
2013 Completed |
Journal of Dhaka International University 5(1), 69-77. |
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27 |
Analyzing Service Quality Dimensions of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh |
Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh |
2012 Completed |
Journal of Dhaka International University 4(1), 183-190. |
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28 |
Non-Financial Factors of Measuring Organizational Performance for Long Term Capability: An Experience from Bangladesh |
Organizational Performance |
2011 Completed |
Journal of Dhaka International University 3(1), 51-58. |
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29 |
A.K.M. Shakil Mahmud, Assistant Professor |
Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in Bangladesh |
Corporate Social Responsibility |
2014 Completed |
8 |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh, 1(1), 109-122. |
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30 |
Exploring Potentiality of Shipbuilding Industry in Bangladesh |
Shipbuilding Industry |
2013 Completed |
Business Review – Bangladesh 2 (2), 91-102. |
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31 |
Islamic Perspectives in Marketing |
Marketing |
2013 Completed |
Journal of Dhaka International University 5 (1), 31-45. |
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32 |
Frozen Foods: Emerging Influential Export Earning Sector for Bangladesh |
Frozen Foods |
2013 Completed |
Green University Review 4 (1-2), 6-14. |
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33 |
Social Marketing: Contemporary Marketing Practices. |
Marketing |
2013 Completed |
Journal of Dhaka International University5 (1), 56-68. |
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34 |
Social Impact of Drug Addiction on Young Generation in Urban Area of Chittagong District of Bangladesh. |
Social Impact of Drug Addiction |
2013 Completed |
Journal of Socioeconomic Research & Development 10 (3), 1487-1493. |
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35 |
Career Exploration: Factors that Influence the Career Choice of Undergraduate Business Students in Bangladesh |
Career |
2013 Completed |
Business Review – Bangladesh 2 (2), 135-145. |
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36 |
Problem and Prospect of Tea Industry in Bangladesh. |
Tea Industry |
2017 Completed |
Business Review-Bangladesh VI (1 & 2), 57-65. |
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37 |
Ayesha Begum, Lecturer |
The effect of liquidity on profitability in the banking sector of Bangladesh. |
Finance and Banking |
2018 Completed |
5 |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh, Vol- 4, No-1(5th issue). |
38 |
Employee Job Satisfaction of State Owned Commercial Banks in Bangladesh |
Finance and Banking |
2017 Completed |
Journal of Thoughts on Banking and Finance, Bangladesh Bank Training Academy, Vol.6 (Issue-1). |
39 |
Factors Affecting Profitability: An Empirical Study on Islamic Banks in Bangladesh. |
Finance and Banking |
2017 Completed |
Journal of Business and Technical Progress, Vol. 6 (No. 1 & 2). |
40 |
Bank-Specific Factors Influencing Profitability of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. |
Finance and Banking |
2017 Completed |
Journal Of Business Studies, School of Business Studies, Bangladesh Open University, Vol. 4(Issue-1). |
41 |
Perception of People Regarding the Causes and Effects of Inflation in Bangladesh. |
Finance and Banking |
2017 Completed |
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 8(Issue- 4). |
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www.iiste.org |
42 |
Imran Khan, Lecturer |
“Corporate Performance and Environmental Accounting Practices: A Focuson Listed Non- Banking Financial Institutions of Bangladesh”, |
Accounting |
2019 Completed |
6 |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh, Vol. 5, No. 1, ISSN (Print): 2409-9627”. |
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43 |
Environmental Accounting and Reporting Practices in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study on Listed Non-Banking Financial Institutions |
Accounting |
2018 Completed |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh, Vol. 4, No. 2, ISSN (Print): 2409-9627 |
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44 |
Enhancing Management Accounting Practices in Manufacturing Companies: A Special Reference to Top-level Management |
Accounting |
2018 Completed |
Asian Business Review, Vol. 8, No. 3/2018, ISSN (Print) 2304-2613 |
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45 |
Employee Turnover Cost and Impacts in Banking Industry of Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study |
Banking |
2017 Completed |
Barisal University Journal Part III, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 1-17, ISSN 2411-247X |
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46 |
Internal Control Practices of Information Technology Sector (IT Industry) in Bangladesh |
IT Industry |
2016 Completed |
Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 17, Issue 1, Version 1.0, 1-7, ISSN (Print) : 0975-5853 |
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47 |
A Contemporary Study on the Practice and Impact of Human Resource Accounting (HRA) in Banking Industry in Bangladesh |
Human Resource Accounting |
2016 Completed |
Bangladesh Research Foundation Journal, Vol. 5, No.1, 109-121, ISSN (Print) : 2224-8404 |
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48 |
Marzan Rahman, Lecturer |
Service Quality of Banking Sector: An Explorative Study on Four Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh”, Business Review- Bangladesh |
Banking |
2015 Completed |
7 |
Journal of Business & Technical Progress, Volume 4, No.2, December 2015 |
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49 |
“Usage and Problems of automated teller machine: A Study on Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh”, |
Bank |
2018 Completed |
Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh, Volume 4, No.1 (5th Issue), June 2018 |
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50 |
The Effect of Word of Mouth Marketing on Customer loyalty & Product sales”, Business Review- Bangladesh |
Marketing |
2017 Completed |
Journal of Business & Technical Progress, Volume 6, No.1 & 2,Page 96-102, December 2017 |
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51 |
Opportunities and Challenges of Application of big data in Bangladesh context” , Business Review- Bangladesh |
Big Data |
2017 Completed |
Journal of Business & Technical Progress, Volume 6, No.1 & 2, Page 113-119, December 2017 |
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52 |
Social Impact of Drug Addiction on Young Generation in Urban Area of Chittagong District of Bangladesh |
Drug Addiction |
2013 Completed |
Journal of Socioeconomic Research & Development, Volume 10, Issue 3, 1487-1493, June 2013 |
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53 |
An Examination of the Impacts of Effectual Promotional Mix Strategies on Customer Loyalty and Intensification of Sales level: A Study on Meena Bazar |
Promotional Strategies |
2017 Completed |
International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences (IJESS), Volume 5, No. 2, December 2017 (Ninth Issue) |
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54 |
An Examination of the Effects of Customer Expectation, Perceived Quality, and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty: A Case Study on KFC Restaurant |
Customer Expectation |
2017 Completed |
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) Vol. 4, Issue 12 (December 2017). |
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