No. Name of The Researcher Title of the Research Work Area of Research Year of Completion Nos. of Research works Published Name of the Journal Impact Fact or Journals Remarks Publication Link
1 Dr. Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Assistant Professor Analgesic and cns depressant effect of the crude ethanolic extract of the operculinaturpethum. Pharmacology 2015 28 Biosensors journal, volume 4 issue 2 Journal impact factor: 0.81 Research article, Issn: 2090-4967 Doi:10.4172/2090-4967.1000132
2 Antidiarrhoeal and antimicrobial activities of the methanolic extract of the flowering tops of rosadamascena Microbiology 2016 International journal of current research, 8(05), 30547-30551. Journal impact factor: 7.766 Research article
3 Comparative study of neem, garlic, and henna with antibiotic nebanol® against artificial wound in guinea pigs Pharmacology 2016 International journal of advanced research, volume 4, issue 6, 525-534 Journal impact factor: 7.08 Research article
4 Knowledge,attitude and practice on hiv/aids among rickshaw pullers in chittagong city. Public health 2016 International journal of development research, vol. 06, issue, 06, 8117-8121. Journal impact factor: 7.012 Full length review article
5 Acute toxicity and antidiarrhoeal activity of the crude ethanolic extract of the operculinaturpethum Pharmacology 2016 International journal of current research,8, (12), 42890-42893, 2016. Journal impact factor: 7.766 Research article
6 Antibacterial activity of the crude ethanolic extract of the flowering tops of rosadamascena. Microbiology 2016 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines. Vol.3, issue 1 - Issn no (p):2307 4728 Off line journal
7 Effect of turmeric and garlic paste on leucocytosis in guinea pigs model. Pharmacology 2016 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines. Vol.3, issue 1 - Issn no (p):2307 4728 Off line journal
8 “cupping” a divine invasive and non-invasive therapy for health ailments: a scientific analysis. Regimental therapy 2016 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines. Vol.3, issue 1 - Issn no (p):2307 4728 Off line journal
9 Antibacterial and antifungal activity of operculinaturpethum. Microbiology 2016 Journal of hamdard university bangladesh. Vol. 3, no. 1, june 2016 - Issn online: 2409-59627 Off line journal
10 Solanumnigrum (maku): a review of pharmacological activities and clinical effects. Pharmacology 2017 International journal of applied research, 2017; 3(1): 12-17 - Issn online:  2394-5869
11 Incretins mimetic effects of herbal drugs for management of diabetes mellitus: a research based approach. Herbal drug 2017 Research in pharmacy and health sciences, 2017;3(1):246-248. - Issn : 2455-5258
12 Phytochemistryandethnopharmacology of parasitic plant cuscutareflexa: a review. Phyto chemistry and ethno pharmacology 2017 International journal of academic research and development volume 2; issue 1; january 2017; page no. 71-75 Impact factor: rjif 5.22 Issn: 2455-4197
13 Phytoconstituents and pharmacological activity of gauzaban (boragoofficinalislinn): a review. Phyto chemistry and pharmacology 2017 International journal of food science and nutrition volume 2; issue 1; january 2017; page no. 148-152 Impact factor: rjif 5.14 Issn: 2455-4898
14 Cassia fistula (bundaralati) linn: phytochemical and pharmacological studies: a review. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2017 International journal of advanced scientific research, volume 2; issue 1; page no. 25-30 Impact factor: rjif 5.32 Issn: 2456-0421
15 Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension among elderly population in dhaka city. Public health 2017 International journal of chemical studies, 2017; 5(1): 175-180 Impact factor: rjif 4.86 & gif 0.565 Online issn: 2321-4902
16 Wonderful bronchodilatory 55indigenous plant (adhatodavasica): a phyto-pharmacological profile. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2017 International journal of advanced research and development volume 2; issue 1; page no. 86-90 Impact factor: rjif 5.24 Issn: 2455-4030
17 Types and availability of ayurvedic medicine in selected areas of dhaka city, bangladesh. Ayurvedic medicine 2017 Journal of medicinal plants studies 2017; 5(2): 49-53 - Issn online: 2320-3862
18 Moringaoleifera (shajna): the wonderful indigenous medicinal plant. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2017 Asian journal of medical and biological research, 3 (1), 20-30; - Issn online: 2412-5571 10.3329/ajmbr.v3i1.32032
19 Indigenous king of bitter (andrographispaniculata): a review. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2017 Journal of medicinal plants studies, 5(2): 318-324 - Issn online: 2320-3862
20 Ashoka (saracaindica) as women friendly plant: a review. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2017 National journal of advanced research, volume 3; issue 2; may 2017; page no. 03-07 Impact factor: rjif 5.12 Online issn: 2455-216x;
21 Comparison of health care services between public and private old homes in bangladesh. Public health 2017 International journal of home science, 2017; 3(2): 34-39 Impact factor: rjif 5.3 Issn: 2395-7476
22 Knowledge and practice of medical professionals of a selected urban hospital on hospital waste management. Public health 2017 International journal of biology research, volume 2; issue 2; page no. 39-44 Impact factor: rjif 5.22 Issn: 2455-6548
23 Euphorbia hirtalinn. A wonderful miracle plant of mediterranean region: a review. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2017 Journal of medicinal plants studies 2017; 5(3): 170-175 - Issn online: 2320-3862
24 Life style of aged people in selected areas of dhaka city.International Public health 2017 Journal of yoga, physiotherapy and physical education volume 2; issue 3; page no. 23-28 Impact factor: rjif 5.24 Online issn: 2456-5067
25 Nishinda (vitexnegundolinn) – a valuable medicinal plant used in herbal medicine.International Phytochemical and pharmacological 2017 Journal of advanced educational research volume 2; issue 2; march 2017; page no. 25-31 Impact factor: rjif 5.12 Issn: 2455-6157
26 Awareness on unani medicine among the urban community people in dhaka city. Public health 2017 International journal of advanced educational research volume 2; issue 3; may 2017; page no. 66-71 Impact factor: rjif 5.12 Issn: 2455-6157
27 Evidence based antidiabetic selected indigenous medicinal plants: a review. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2017 International journal of home science 2017; 3(2): 305-309 Impact factor: rjif 5.3 Issn: 2395-7476
28 Awareness on pulmonary tuberculosis among adult population in selected area of rajshahi city, bangladesh. Public health 2017 International journal of advanced scientific research, volume 2; issue 4; july 2017; page no. 36-41 Impact factor: rjif 5.32 Issn: 2456-0421
29 Md. Abdul Mannan, Assistant Professor Oral glucose tolerance test with cooked rhizomes of zingiberofficinale (ginger) Anti diabetic activity 2019 45 Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism journal, 3(1), 1–3. If:1.02 10.31038/edmj.2019311
30 A brief analysis of the ancient roman medical system. Review article 2019 International journal of unani and integrative medicine, 3(1), 37–40. Impact factor: rjif 6.3
31 spirulina: a review on nutraceutical value and health issues Review article 2019 Journal of hamdard university bangladesh
32 Hyperglycemic effect of artocarpusheterophyllus seed methanol extract. Anti diabeticactivity 2018 World journal of pharmaceutical research, 7(17), 197–203. Impact factor: 8.084 -
33 Natural source play an important role in the field of cosmetics. Review article 2018 International journal of unani and integrative medicine, 2(4), 38–43 Impact factor: rjif 6.3 -
34 Contribution of greek mythology and civilization on medical science- a brief analysis Review article 2018 International journal of advanced research, 6(11), 1095–1102 Sjif 2018 = 7.08 -
35 Antihyperlipidemic effect of some medicinal plants used in bangladeshi traditional medicine: a review Review article 2018 International journal of chemistry studies, 2(3), 25–29. Impact factor: rjif 5.44 -
36 Knowledge, attitude and practice of complementary and alternative medicine (cam) among selected adult bangladeshi population. Survey 2018 International journal of advanced research and development, 3(2), 869–877 Impact factor: rjif 5.24 -
37 Rubiacordifolia-phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of indigenous medicinal 76plant: a review. Review article 2018 International journal of physiology, nutrition and physical education, 3(1), 766–771 Impact factor (rjif): 5.48 -
38 Socio-demographic factors and pattern of diseases among the patients attending unani and ayurvedic medical college hospital, dhaka. Survey 2018 International journal of advanced educational research, 3(2), 42–47. Impact factor: rjif 5.12 -
39 Factors affecting therapeutic compliance among the patients with rheumatic heart disease in bangladesh. Survey 2017 International journal of chemical studies, 5(6), 2103–2106. Impact factor: gif: 0.565 -
40 Knowledge and attitude regarding gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm) among obese pregnant women coming for antenatal checkup at a tertiary care hospital. Survey 2017 International journal of chemical studies, 5(5), 179–189. Impact factor: gif: 0.565 -
41 Awareness on pulmonary tuberculosis among adult population in selected area of rajshahi city, bangladesh. Survey 2017 International journal of advanced scientific research, 2(4), 36–41. Impact factor: rjif 5.32 -
42 Knowledge and practice of medical professionals of a selected urban hospital on hospital waste management. Survey 2017 International journal of biology research, 2(2), 39–44. Impact factor: rjif 5.22 -
43 Awareness on unani medicine among the urban community people in dhaka city. Survey 2017 International journal of advanced educational research, 2(3), 66–71 Impact factor: rjif 5.12 -
44 Evidence based antidiabetic selected indigenous medicinal plants: a review. Review article 2017 International journal of home science, 3(2), 305–309. Impact factor: rjif 5.3 -
45 Indigenous king of bitter (andrographispaniculata): a review. Review article 2017 Journal of medicinal plants studies, 5(2), 318–324. Impact factor: rjif: 5.69 -
46 Phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology of parasitic plant cuscutareflexa: a review. Review article 2017 International journal of academic research and development, 2(1), 71–75. Impact factor: rjif: 5.22 -
47 A natural antihypothyroidism action by ashwagandha root extracts- a research based approach. Review 2017 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 4(1), 50–51. -
48 Quality control of herbal medicine- a review. Review 2017 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 4(1), 57–57. -
49 Knowledge about the dangerous effect of excessive use of antibiotics in dhaka city. Survey 2017 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 4(1), 55–56. -
50 Effect of turmeric and garlic paste on leucocytosis in guinea pigs model. Pre clinical study 2016 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 3(1), 48. -
51 Antibacterial activity of the crude ethanol extract of the flowering tops of rosadamascena. Antimicrobial activity 2016 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 3(1), 50–50 -
52 A comparative study of hamdard medicine (hamdard medical and sells center) and conventional medicine in dhaka city. Survey 2016 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 3(1), 50–54 -
53 Present status of herbal, unani and ayurvedic medicine- an aspect of worldwide market analysis. Survey 2016 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 3(1), 54–55 -
54 Evaluation of antidiabetic effect of polyherbal formulation tablet dolabi®. Conference paper 2019 Young scientists for achieving sustainable development goals -
55 Antimicrobial potential of smilax china root to pathogenic bacteria. Conference paper 2019 Young scientists for achieving sustainable development goals -
56 Phytochemical & free radical scavenging activity of bombaxceiba (family-malvaceae). Conference paper 2015 Herbal medicine for health in the 21st century, 70–71 -
57 The increasing use of unani and ayurvedic medicine an issue relating to safety and efficacy, especially challenges in monitoring safety is a public health concern. Conference paper 2015 Public health foundation of Bangladesh & faith bangladesh. -
58 Ilaj-biltadbeer (regimental therapy): a review. Regimental therapy 2017 International journal of medical and health research volume 3; issue 10; october 2017; page no. 54-56 Impact factor: rjif 5.54 Issn: 2454-9142
59 A review of evidence based hepatoprotective selected medicinal plants used in bangladeshi traditional medicine. Pharmacology 2017 International journal of veterinary sciences and animal husbandry 2017; 2(5): 13-17 Impact factor (rjif): 5.69 Issn: 2456-2912
60 Vinca alkaloid- the second most used alkaloid for cancer treatment- a review. Phytochemical 2017 International journal of physiology nutrition and physical education, 2017; 2(2): 723-727 Impact factor: (rjif): 5.43 Issn: 2456-0057
61 Factors affecting therapeutic compliance among the patients with rheumatic heart disease in bangladesh. Public health 2017 International journal of chemical studies 2017; 5(6): 2103-2106 Impact factor: rjif 4.86 & gif 0.565 Online issn: 2321-4902
62 Socio-demographic factors and pattern of diseases among the patients attending unani and ayurvedic medical college hospital, dhaka. Public health 2018 International journal of advanced educational research volume 3; issue 2; march 2018; page no. 42-47. Impact factor: rjif 5.12 Issn: 2455-6157
63 Rubiacordifolia-phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of indigenous medicinal plant: a review. Pharmacology 2018 International journal of physiology, nutrition and physical education, 2018; 3(1): 766-771. Impact factor: (rjif): 5.43 Issn: 2456-0057
64 Effects of garlic on hyperlipidemia: a review. Herbal drug 2018 Journal of medicinal plants studies 2018; 6(2): 44-48 - Issn online: 2320-3862
65 Pattern of rheumatic diseases and socio- economic conditions of the patients attending at opd of govt. Unani&ayurvedic medical college hospital, mirpur, dhaka. Public health 2018 International journal of advanced scientific research volume 3; issue 2; march 2018; page no. 04-10 Impact factor: rjif 5.32 Issn: 2456-0421
66 Knowledge, attitude and practice of complementary and alternative medicine (cam) among selected adult bangladeshi population. Public health 2018 International journal of advanced research and development volume 3; issue 2; page no. 869-877 Impact factor: rjif 5.24 Issn: 2455-4030
67 Phytoconstituents and antibacterial activity of tulsi (ocimum sanctum linn.): a review. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2018 International journal of academic research and development volume 3; issue 2; page no. 1046-1050 Impact factor: rjif 5.22 Issn: 2455-4197
68 Therapeutic effects of saffron (crocus sativus l.) And its constituents on reproductive systems: a review. Phytochemical and pharmacological 2018 Journal of medicinal plants studies, 2018; 6(4): 01-04 - Issn online: 2320-3862
69 Antihyperlipidemic effect of some medicinal plants used in bangladeshi traditional medicine: a review. Pharmacology 2018 International journal of chemistry studies volume 2; issue 3; may 2018; page no. 25-29 Impact factor: rjif 5.44 Issn: 2581-348x
70 Pharmacological effects of crocus sativus (zaffran) and its chemical constituents: a review. Pharmacology 2018 International journal of physiology, nutrition and physical education, 2018; 3(2): 593-597 Impact factor: (rjif): 5.43 Issn: 2456-0057
71 Aphrodisiac and antioxidant activity of asparagus racemosus (shatawar): a review. Pharmacology 2018 Journal of medicinal plants studies 2018; 6(5): 36-39 - Issn online: 2320-3862
72 Spirulina: a review on nutraceutical value and health issues. Pharmacology 2019 Journal of hamdard university bangladesh. Vol. 5, no. 1, june 2019. Issn online: 2409-59627 Off line journal
73 Quality control and evaluation of herbal drugs in modern era. Pharmacy 2020 International journal of research in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences volume 6; issue 1; 2021; page no. 09-13 Impact factor: rjif 5.22 Issn: 2455-698x
74 Dr. Md. Obydulhoq, Lecturer Medicinal importance of operculinaturpethum(linn.): a review Medicinal plants 2019 4 International journal of unani and integrative medicine Rjif 6.3 -
75 Pharmacological and phytochemical analysis of foeniculumvulgaremill: a review Medicinal plants 2019 International journal of unani and integrative medicine Rjif 6.3 -
76 Prevalence of gestational diabetes among the women attending the opd of a selected tertiary level hospital in bangladesh - 2019 Asian-australasian journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology - -
77 Ethnomedicinal, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of piper longum(linn) Medicinal plants 2019 Asian journal of Medical and biological research - -
78 Dr. Md. Shahabuddin, Lecturer Application of poly-herbal powder for treating acne vulgaris: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Clinical trial On going 5 -
79 Therapeutic use of withaniasomnifera Medicinal plant 2016 - -
80 Medicinal plant allium sativum- a review Medicinal plant 8-Jul - -
81 The therapeutic use of centellaasiatica Medicinal plant 9-Jul - -
82 Neem (azadirachtaindica) in health care: a review Medicinal plant 2018 - -
83 Natural source play an important role in the field of cosmetics. Medicinal plant 13-Jul - -
84 Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman khan, Assistant Professor medicinal use of the unique plant tinosporacordifolia: evidence from the traditional medicine and recent research. Medicinal plant 2016 5 Asian journal of medical and biological research 0.435 -
85 Acute toxicity and antidiarrhoeal activity of the crude ethanolic extract of the operculinaturpethum. Medicinal plant 2016 Inernational journal of current research 1.84 -
86 A comparative study of hamdard medicine (hamdard medical and sell center) and conventional medicine in dhaka city Medicine 2017 Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicine. - - -
87 Gender discrimination in household health care expenditure: a comparative study on urban and rural area. Public health Accepted Journal of hamdard university bangladesh. - - -
88 Pattern of drug abuse among street children of dhaka: inhalants are the most popular drug” Public health 2018 Delta med col j. - - -
89 A brief analysis of the ancient roman medical system Medical history 2019 International journal of unani and integrative medicine -
90 Dr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam, Assistant Professor Chikungunya, an alphaviral infection is significantly associated with mosquitoes breeding sites. Infectious diseases 2009 12 Journal of hamdard university bangladesh. Vol.2, no.2, december p 27-32. 2015 - - -
91 Fried rice syndrome, a disease of fast world: scientific analysis Food science 2018 American journal of biomedical science& research; 2019 - 5(6). 2019 0.823 - Doi:10.34297/ajbsr.2019.05.000979
92 Therapeutic dietary modifications can modify the devastating consequences of cardio-metabolic syndrome (cms): a scientific analysis Metabolic disorders 2017 Current research in diabetes and obesity journal Volume 8 issue 1- july 2018; 2018 1.62 - Doi: 10.19080/crdoj.2018.08.555726
93 Importance of resource mobilization for development of herbal medicine : a comprehensive approach; Herbal medicine 2016 Journal of bioengineering & biomedical science; volume 7; issue 2; p-1000229; 2017 1.9 - Doi: 10.4172/2155-9538.1000229
94 Sickle cell anemia, a silent genetic disease can be treated by comprehensive approaches: a scientific analysis. Scd 2016 Scientific journal of food science & nutrition; usa; 2017; 3(1): 018-022; 2017 - - -
95 Aids related complexes (arcs) can be treated by herbal medicine: prospective and retrospective review Stds 2016 Research & reviews: journal of botanical sciences;india, volume 6, issue 2; april-june p-12-15 - - -
96 Transformational dosage form can change the scenario of herbal medicine in the world: a research based scientific approach. Herbal medicine 2015 Biosensor journal Vol 5.issue 2. 1000140; 2016 If 0.81 Icv-82.45 - Doi: 10.4172/2090-4967.1000140
97 Poverty reduction strategies and mdgs: a diverse scenario in the developing countries Economics 2015 Journal of biodiversity, bioprospecting and development: 2016; vol 3, issue 2: p 1000160. 2016 0.81 Icv:83.95 - Doi: 10.4172/2376-10214.1000160;
98 Developmental strategies of herbal medicine in the scientific world: research based approaches; Herbal medicine 2015 Biosensor journal; 2016; vol 5.issue 2: 0.81 Icv-82.45 - Doi:10.4172/2090-4967.1000141
99 Insulinotropic effect of herbal drugs for management of diabetes mellitus: a congregational approach Non-communicable disease 2015 Biosensor journal; vol 5.issue 2:; 2016 0.81 Icv-82.45 - Doi: 10.4172/2090-4967.1000142
100 Analgesic and cns depressant effect of the crude ethanolic extract of the operculinaturpethum. Phytomedicine 2014 Biosensor journal; vol 4.issu 2; 2015 0.81 Icv-82.45 -
101 Assessment of micro nutritional malnutrition in an urban area of bangladesh among the adult population on the basis of individual dietary diversity Nutrition and food sciences 2014 Journal of nutrition and food sciences : vol 5; issue 3: 1000362.; 2015 1.22 - Doi: 10.4172/2155-9600.1000362
102 In-vivo and in-vitro studies on antibacterial activity of ocimumtenuflorium, nigella sativa and tinosporacordifolia on some human pathogenic strains Microbiology On goining - - - -
103 Md. Khairul Alam, Associate Professor & Head, Phytochemical & free radical scavenging activity of ipomoea paniculata. Linn (family-convolvulaceae) Natural Medicine 2014 24 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine vol. 2, issue 1; November,2014 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
104 Phytochemical & free radical scavenging activity ofwithaniasomnifera (l). Dunal (family-solanaceae) Natural Medicine 2014 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine Vol. 2, issue 1; November, 2014 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
105 Comperative efficacy of three indigenous medicinal plants (turmeric, garlic, aloe) with locally available patent drug nebanol® against artificially induced wound in guinea pigs” Microbiology 2015 International journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research (ijpsr), 2015; vol. 6(5): 2081-2089. 1.23 -
106 A study on attitude and satisfaction of patients towards unani and ayurvedic health care service within medical pluralism in the context of bangladesh Health 2015 International journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research (ijpsr), 2015; vol. 6(6): 2557-2568. 1.23 -
107 A comparative study of hamdard medicine (hamdard medical and sells center) and conventional medicine in dhaka city Natural Medicine 2016 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine ”vol. 3, issue 1; march,2016 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
108 Present status of herbal, unani and ayurvedic medicine-an aspect of worldwide market analysis” Herval Medicine 2016 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine Vol. 3, issue 1; march,2016 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
109 Cupping-a divine invasive and non-invasive therapy for health ailments: a scientific analysis Regimenal Therapy 2016 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine Vol. 3, issue 1; march,2016 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
110 Psychological status of the rescue workers following rana plaza rescue operation Health 2015 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh, ”vol. 2, no. 1; september, 2015 - ISSN 2409-9627 Off line Journal
111 A review of anticancer property of ganodermalucidum Natural Medicine 2015 Journal of hamdard university bangladesh, an official publication of hamdard university bangladesh, Vol. 2, no. 1; september, 2015 - ISSN 2409-9627 Off line Journal
112 Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding hospital delivery among rural married women in northern bangladesh. Public Health 2009 Yasmin n et al., ibrahim med. Coll. J.2009;3(1):17-20 - ISSN 1999-9690 eISSN 1999-9704
113 Chikungunya, an alpha viral infection significantly associated with aedesbreeding sites in an urban area of a metropolitan city. Vector born diseases 2015 Journal of Hamdard University Bangladesh. Vol. 2, no. 2; December, 2015 - ISSN 2409-9627 Off line Journal
114 Antidiarrhoeal and antimicrobial activities of the methanolic extract of the flowering tops of rosadamascena Microbiology 2016 International journal of current research, 8(05), 30547-30551. Journal impact factor: 7.766 Available online at
115 Efficacy and safety of herbal medicine: a meta analysis”. (page 70) A meta analysis 2015 International journal of advanced scientific research, volume 2; issue 4; july 2017; page no. 36-41 rjif 5.32 Issn: 2456-0421
116 Chikungunya, an alpha viral infection significantly associated with aedesbreeding sites in an urban area of a metropolitan city Chikungunya, 2015 Hamdard Samachar. May, 2017 issue. - - Offline journal
117 A review of evidence based hepatoprotective selected medicinal plants used in bangladeshi traditional medicine Natural Medicine 2017 International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry. 2017; 2(5): 13-17. 5.69 ISSN: 2456-2912
118 Ayurveda, a career oriented education system Ayurvedic Medicine 2017 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine ”vol. 4, issue 1; november, 2017 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
119 Evaluate the effectiveness of carica papaya leaf to enhance the platelet count in case of thrombocytopenia Natural Medicine 2017 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine Vol. 4, issue 1; november, 2017 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
120 Knowledge about the dangerous effect of excessive use of antibiotics in Dhaka city” Public Health 2017 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine Vol. 4, issue 1; november, 2017 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
121 Concept and management of leucorrhoea in unani system of medicine UnaniMedicine 2017 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine Vol. 4, issue 1; november, 2017 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
122 Quality control of herbal medicine-a review Herbal medicine 2017 Journal of Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine ”vol. 4, issue 1; November, 2017 - ISSN NO (P): 2307 4728 Offline Journal
123 Effects of garlic on hyperlipidemia: a review 2018 Journal of medicinal plants studies. 2018; 6(2): 44-48. 3.53 2394-0530 (print), 2320-3862 (online)
124 A brief analysis of the ancient roman medical system Medical Science 2019 International Journal of unani and integrative medicine. 2019; 3(1): 37-40 6.3 ISSN (P): 2616-454X , ISSN (E): 2616-4558
125 Natural source play an important role in the field of cosmetics Medicinal plant 2018 International journal of unani and integrative medicine 2018; 2(4): 38-43 - ISSN (P): 2616-454X , ISSN (E): 2616-4558