1 |
Dr. Mohammad Abu Bin Nyeem, Assistant Professor |
Analgesic and cns depressant effect of the crude ethanolic extract of the operculinaturpethum. |
Pharmacology |
2015 |
28 |
Biosensors journal, volume 4 issue 2 |
Journal impact factor: 0.81 |
Research article, Issn: 2090-4967 |
Doi:10.4172/2090-4967.1000132 |
2 |
Antidiarrhoeal and antimicrobial activities of the methanolic extract of the flowering tops of rosadamascena |
Microbiology |
2016 |
International journal of current research, 8(05), 30547-30551. |
Journal impact factor: 7.766 |
Research article |
http://www.journalcra.com |
3 |
Comparative study of neem, garlic, and henna with antibiotic nebanol® against artificial wound in guinea pigs |
Pharmacology |
2016 |
International journal of advanced research, volume 4, issue 6, 525-534 |
Journal impact factor: 7.08 |
Research article |
https://www.scribd.com/document/318895241/ |
4 |
Knowledge,attitude and practice on hiv/aids among rickshaw pullers in chittagong city. |
Public health |
2016 |
International journal of development research, vol. 06, issue, 06, 8117-8121. |
Journal impact factor: 7.012 |
Full length review article |
http://www.journalijdr.com |
5 |
Acute toxicity and antidiarrhoeal activity of the crude ethanolic extract of the operculinaturpethum |
Pharmacology |
2016 |
International journal of current research,8, (12), 42890-42893, 2016. |
Journal impact factor: 7.766 |
Research article |
http://www.journalcra.com |
6 |
Antibacterial activity of the crude ethanolic extract of the flowering tops of rosadamascena. |
Microbiology |
2016 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines. Vol.3, issue 1 |
- |
Issn no (p):2307 4728 |
Off line journal |
7 |
Effect of turmeric and garlic paste on leucocytosis in guinea pigs model. |
Pharmacology |
2016 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines. Vol.3, issue 1 |
- |
Issn no (p):2307 4728 |
Off line journal |
8 |
“cupping” a divine invasive and non-invasive therapy for health ailments: a scientific analysis. |
Regimental therapy |
2016 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines. Vol.3, issue 1 |
- |
Issn no (p):2307 4728 |
Off line journal |
9 |
Antibacterial and antifungal activity of operculinaturpethum. |
Microbiology |
2016 |
Journal of hamdard university bangladesh. Vol. 3, no. 1, june 2016 |
- |
Issn online: 2409-59627 |
Off line journal |
10 |
Solanumnigrum (maku): a review of pharmacological activities and clinical effects. |
Pharmacology |
2017 |
International journal of applied research, 2017; 3(1): 12-17 |
- |
Issn online: 2394-5869 |
http://dx.doi.org/10.22271/allresearch |
11 |
Incretins mimetic effects of herbal drugs for management of diabetes mellitus: a research based approach. |
Herbal drug |
2017 |
Research in pharmacy and health sciences, 2017;3(1):246-248. |
- |
Issn : 2455-5258 |
Www.rphsonline.com |
12 |
Phytochemistryandethnopharmacology of parasitic plant cuscutareflexa: a review. |
Phyto chemistry and ethno pharmacology |
2017 |
International journal of academic research and development volume 2; issue 1; january 2017; page no. 71-75 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.22 |
Issn: 2455-4197 |
www.academicsjournal.com |
13 |
Phytoconstituents and pharmacological activity of gauzaban (boragoofficinalislinn): a review. |
Phyto chemistry and pharmacology |
2017 |
International journal of food science and nutrition volume 2; issue 1; january 2017; page no. 148-152 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.14 |
Issn: 2455-4898 |
www.foodsciencejournal.com |
14 |
Cassia fistula (bundaralati) linn: phytochemical and pharmacological studies: a review. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2017 |
International journal of advanced scientific research, volume 2; issue 1; page no. 25-30 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.32 |
Issn: 2456-0421 |
www.allscientificjournal.com |
15 |
Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension among elderly population in dhaka city. |
Public health |
2017 |
International journal of chemical studies, 2017; 5(1): 175-180 |
Impact factor: rjif 4.86 & gif 0.565 |
Online issn: 2321-4902 |
https://dx.doi.org/10.22271/chemi |
16 |
Wonderful bronchodilatory 55indigenous plant (adhatodavasica): a phyto-pharmacological profile. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2017 |
International journal of advanced research and development volume 2; issue 1; page no. 86-90 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.24 |
Issn: 2455-4030 |
www.advancedjournal.com |
17 |
Types and availability of ayurvedic medicine in selected areas of dhaka city, bangladesh. |
Ayurvedic medicine |
2017 |
Journal of medicinal plants studies 2017; 5(2): 49-53 |
- |
Issn online: 2320-3862 |
plantsjournal.com |
18 |
Moringaoleifera (shajna): the wonderful indigenous medicinal plant. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2017 |
Asian journal of medical and biological research, 3 (1), 20-30; |
- |
Issn online: 2412-5571 |
10.3329/ajmbr.v3i1.32032 |
19 |
Indigenous king of bitter (andrographispaniculata): a review. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2017 |
Journal of medicinal plants studies, 5(2): 318-324 |
- |
Issn online: 2320-3862 |
plantsjournal.com |
20 |
Ashoka (saracaindica) as women friendly plant: a review. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2017 |
National journal of advanced research, volume 3; issue 2; may 2017; page no. 03-07 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.12 |
Online issn: 2455-216x; |
www.allnationaljournal.com |
21 |
Comparison of health care services between public and private old homes in bangladesh. |
Public health |
2017 |
International journal of home science, 2017; 3(2): 34-39 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.3 |
Issn: 2395-7476 |
https://doi.org/10.22271/23957476 |
22 |
Knowledge and practice of medical professionals of a selected urban hospital on hospital waste management. |
Public health |
2017 |
International journal of biology research, volume 2; issue 2; page no. 39-44 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.22 |
Issn: 2455-6548 |
www.biologyjournal.in |
23 |
Euphorbia hirtalinn. A wonderful miracle plant of mediterranean region: a review. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2017 |
Journal of medicinal plants studies 2017; 5(3): 170-175 |
- |
Issn online: 2320-3862 |
plantsjournal.com |
24 |
Life style of aged people in selected areas of dhaka city.International |
Public health |
2017 |
Journal of yoga, physiotherapy and physical education volume 2; issue 3; page no. 23-28 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.24 |
Online issn: 2456-5067 |
www.sportsjournal.in |
25 |
Nishinda (vitexnegundolinn) – a valuable medicinal plant used in herbal medicine.International |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2017 |
Journal of advanced educational research volume 2; issue 2; march 2017; page no. 25-31 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.12 |
Issn: 2455-6157 |
www.educationjournal.org |
26 |
Awareness on unani medicine among the urban community people in dhaka city. |
Public health |
2017 |
International journal of advanced educational research volume 2; issue 3; may 2017; page no. 66-71 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.12 |
Issn: 2455-6157 |
www.educationjournal.org |
27 |
Evidence based antidiabetic selected indigenous medicinal plants: a review. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2017 |
International journal of home science 2017; 3(2): 305-309 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.3 |
Issn: 2395-7476 |
https://doi.org/10.22271/23957476 |
28 |
Awareness on pulmonary tuberculosis among adult population in selected area of rajshahi city, bangladesh. |
Public health |
2017 |
International journal of advanced scientific research, volume 2; issue 4; july 2017; page no. 36-41 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.32 |
Issn: 2456-0421 |
www.allscientificjournal.com |
29 |
Md. Abdul Mannan, Assistant Professor |
Oral glucose tolerance test with cooked rhizomes of zingiberofficinale (ginger) |
Anti diabetic activity |
2019 |
45 |
Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism journal, 3(1), 1–3. |
If:1.02 |
10.31038/edmj.2019311 |
30 |
A brief analysis of the ancient roman medical system. |
Review article |
2019 |
International journal of unani and integrative medicine, 3(1), 37–40. |
Impact factor: rjif 6.3 |
unanijournal.com |
31 |
spirulina: a review on nutraceutical value and health issues |
Review article |
2019 |
Journal of hamdard university bangladesh |
researchgate.net |
32 |
Hyperglycemic effect of artocarpusheterophyllus seed methanol extract. |
Anti diabeticactivity |
2018 |
World journal of pharmaceutical research, 7(17), 197–203. |
Impact factor: 8.084 |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328048255_hyperglycemic_effect_of_artocarpus_heterophyllus_seed_methanol_extract |
33 |
Natural source play an important role in the field of cosmetics. |
Review article |
2018 |
International journal of unani and integrative medicine, 2(4), 38–43 |
Impact factor: rjif 6.3 |
- |
https://www.unanijournal.com/archives/2018/vol2issue4/A/2-4-5 |
34 |
Contribution of greek mythology and civilization on medical science- a brief analysis |
Review article |
2018 |
International journal of advanced research, 6(11), 1095–1102 |
Sjif 2018 = 7.08 |
- |
journalijar.com |
35 |
Antihyperlipidemic effect of some medicinal plants used in bangladeshi traditional medicine: a review |
Review article |
2018 |
International journal of chemistry studies, 2(3), 25–29. |
Impact factor: rjif 5.44 |
- |
http://www.chemistryjournal.in/archives/2018/vol2/issue3/1-1-41 |
36 |
Knowledge, attitude and practice of complementary and alternative medicine (cam) among selected adult bangladeshi population. |
Survey |
2018 |
International journal of advanced research and development, 3(2), 869–877 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.24 |
- |
http://www.advancedjournal.com/archives/2018/vol3/issue2/3-2-199 |
37 |
Rubiacordifolia-phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of indigenous medicinal 76plant: a review. |
Review article |
2018 |
International journal of physiology, nutrition and physical education, 3(1), 766–771 |
Impact factor (rjif): 5.48 |
- |
journalofsports.com |
38 |
Socio-demographic factors and pattern of diseases among the patients attending unani and ayurvedic medical college hospital, dhaka. |
Survey |
2018 |
International journal of advanced educational research, 3(2), 42–47. |
Impact factor: rjif 5.12 |
- |
http://www.educationjournal.org/archives/2018/vol3/issue2/3-1-141 |
39 |
Factors affecting therapeutic compliance among the patients with rheumatic heart disease in bangladesh. |
Survey |
2017 |
International journal of chemical studies, 5(6), 2103–2106. |
Impact factor: gif: 0.565 |
- |
https://www.chemijournal.com/archives/?year=2017&vol=5&issue=6&ArticleId=1571&si=false |
40 |
Knowledge and attitude regarding gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm) among obese pregnant women coming for antenatal checkup at a tertiary care hospital. |
Survey |
2017 |
International journal of chemical studies, 5(5), 179–189. |
Impact factor: gif: 0.565 |
- |
https://www.chemijournal.com/archives/?year=2017&vol=5&issue=5&ArticleId=963&si=false |
41 |
Awareness on pulmonary tuberculosis among adult population in selected area of rajshahi city, bangladesh. |
Survey |
2017 |
International journal of advanced scientific research, 2(4), 36–41. |
Impact factor: rjif 5.32 |
- |
http://www.allscientificjournal.com/archives/2017/vol2/issue4/2-4-19 |
42 |
Knowledge and practice of medical professionals of a selected urban hospital on hospital waste management. |
Survey |
2017 |
International journal of biology research, 2(2), 39–44. |
Impact factor: rjif 5.22 |
- |
http://www.biologyjournal.in/archives/2017/vol2/issue2/2-2-11 |
43 |
Awareness on unani medicine among the urban community people in dhaka city. |
Survey |
2017 |
International journal of advanced educational research, 2(3), 66–71 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.12 |
- |
http://www.educationjournal.org/archives/2017/vol2/issue3/2-3-19 |
44 |
Evidence based antidiabetic selected indigenous medicinal plants: a review. |
Review article |
2017 |
International journal of home science, 3(2), 305–309. |
Impact factor: rjif 5.3 |
- |
https://www.homesciencejournal.com/archives/?year=2017&vol=3&issue=2&part=E&ArticleId=362 |
45 |
Indigenous king of bitter (andrographispaniculata): a review. |
Review article |
2017 |
Journal of medicinal plants studies, 5(2), 318–324. |
Impact factor: rjif: 5.69 |
- |
https://www.plantsjournal.com/archives/?year=2017&vol=5&issue=2&part=E&ArticleId=585 |
46 |
Phytochemistry and ethnopharmacology of parasitic plant cuscutareflexa: a review. |
Review article |
2017 |
International journal of academic research and development, 2(1), 71–75. |
Impact factor: rjif: 5.22 |
- |
http://www.academicjournal.in/archives/2017/vol2/issue1/2-1-17 |
47 |
A natural antihypothyroidism action by ashwagandha root extracts- a research based approach. |
Review |
2017 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 4(1), 50–51. |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322477112_phytochemistry_and_ethnopharmacology_of_parasitic_plant_cuscuta_reflexa_a_review |
48 |
Quality control of herbal medicine- a review. |
Review |
2017 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 4(1), 57–57. |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321162899_quality_control_of_herbal_medicine-_a_review |
49 |
Knowledge about the dangerous effect of excessive use of antibiotics in dhaka city. |
Survey |
2017 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 4(1), 55–56. |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321162939_knowledge_about_the_dangerous_effect_of_excessive_use_of_antibiotics_in_dhaka_city |
50 |
Effect of turmeric and garlic paste on leucocytosis in guinea pigs model. |
Pre clinical study |
2016 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 3(1), 48. |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321178643_effect_of_turmeric_and_garlic_paste_on_leuko7cytosis_in_guinea_pigs_model |
51 |
Antibacterial activity of the crude ethanol extract of the flowering tops of rosadamascena. |
Antimicrobial activity |
2016 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 3(1), 50–50 |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321179015_antibacterial_activity_of_the_crud_extract_of_the_flowering_tops_of_rosa_damascene |
52 |
A comparative study of hamdard medicine (hamdard medical and sells center) and conventional medicine in dhaka city. |
Survey |
2016 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 3(1), 50–54 |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321184672_a_comparative_study_of_hamdard_medicine_hamdard_medical_and_sells_center_and_conventional_medicine_in_dhaka_city |
53 |
Present status of herbal, unani and ayurvedic medicine- an aspect of worldwide market analysis. |
Survey |
2016 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicines, 3(1), 54–55 |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337928438_present_status_of_herbal_unani_and_ayurvedic_medicine-_an_aspect_of_worldwide_market_analysis |
54 |
Evaluation of antidiabetic effect of polyherbal formulation tablet dolabi®. |
Conference paper |
2019 |
Young scientists for achieving sustainable development goals |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337920099_evaluation_of_antidiabetic_effect_of_polyherbal_formulation_tablet_dolabir |
55 |
Antimicrobial potential of smilax china root to pathogenic bacteria. |
Conference paper |
2019 |
Young scientists for achieving sustainable development goals |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337920040_antimicrobial_potential_of_smilax_china_root_to_pathogenic_bacteria |
56 |
Phytochemical & free radical scavenging activity of bombaxceiba (family-malvaceae). |
Conference paper |
2015 |
Herbal medicine for health in the 21st century, 70–71 |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321214191_phytochemical_free_radical_scavenging_activity_of_bombax_ceiba_family-malvaceae |
57 |
The increasing use of unani and ayurvedic medicine an issue relating to safety and efficacy, especially challenges in monitoring safety is a public health concern. |
Conference paper |
2015 |
Public health foundation of Bangladesh & faith bangladesh. |
- |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321214352_the_increasing_use_of_unani_and_ayurvedic_medicine_an_issue_relating_to_safety_and_efficacy_especially_challenges_in_monitoring_safety_is_a_ |
58 |
Ilaj-biltadbeer (regimental therapy): a review. |
Regimental therapy |
2017 |
International journal of medical and health research volume 3; issue 10; october 2017; page no. 54-56 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.54 |
Issn: 2454-9142 |
www.medicalsciencejournal.com |
59 |
A review of evidence based hepatoprotective selected medicinal plants used in bangladeshi traditional medicine. |
Pharmacology |
2017 |
International journal of veterinary sciences and animal husbandry 2017; 2(5): 13-17 |
Impact factor (rjif): 5.69 |
Issn: 2456-2912 |
https://www.veterinarypaper.com/archives/2017/2/5/A/2-3-4 |
60 |
Vinca alkaloid- the second most used alkaloid for cancer treatment- a review. |
Phytochemical |
2017 |
International journal of physiology nutrition and physical education, 2017; 2(2): 723-727 |
Impact factor: (rjif): 5.43 |
Issn: 2456-0057 |
https://doi.org/10.22271/journalofspor |
61 |
Factors affecting therapeutic compliance among the patients with rheumatic heart disease in bangladesh. |
Public health |
2017 |
International journal of chemical studies 2017; 5(6): 2103-2106 |
Impact factor: rjif 4.86 & gif 0.565 |
Online issn: 2321-4902 |
https://dx.doi.org/10.22271/chemi |
62 |
Socio-demographic factors and pattern of diseases among the patients attending unani and ayurvedic medical college hospital, dhaka. |
Public health |
2018 |
International journal of advanced educational research volume 3; issue 2; march 2018; page no. 42-47. |
Impact factor: rjif 5.12 |
Issn: 2455-6157 |
www.educationjournal.org |
63 |
Rubiacordifolia-phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of indigenous medicinal plant: a review. |
Pharmacology |
2018 |
International journal of physiology, nutrition and physical education, 2018; 3(1): 766-771. |
Impact factor: (rjif): 5.43 |
Issn: 2456-0057 |
https://doi.org/10.22271/journalofspor |
64 |
Effects of garlic on hyperlipidemia: a review. |
Herbal drug |
2018 |
Journal of medicinal plants studies 2018; 6(2): 44-48 |
- |
Issn online: 2320-3862 |
plantsjournal.com |
65 |
Pattern of rheumatic diseases and socio- economic conditions of the patients attending at opd of govt. Unani&ayurvedic medical college hospital, mirpur, dhaka. |
Public health |
2018 |
International journal of advanced scientific research volume 3; issue 2; march 2018; page no. 04-10 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.32 |
Issn: 2456-0421 |
www.allscientificjournal.com |
66 |
Knowledge, attitude and practice of complementary and alternative medicine (cam) among selected adult bangladeshi population. |
Public health |
2018 |
International journal of advanced research and development volume 3; issue 2; page no. 869-877 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.24 |
Issn: 2455-4030 |
www.advancedjournal.com |
67 |
Phytoconstituents and antibacterial activity of tulsi (ocimum sanctum linn.): a review. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2018 |
International journal of academic research and development volume 3; issue 2; page no. 1046-1050 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.22 |
Issn: 2455-4197 |
www.academicsjournal.com |
68 |
Therapeutic effects of saffron (crocus sativus l.) And its constituents on reproductive systems: a review. |
Phytochemical and pharmacological |
2018 |
Journal of medicinal plants studies, 2018; 6(4): 01-04 |
- |
Issn online: 2320-3862 |
plantsjournal.com |
69 |
Antihyperlipidemic effect of some medicinal plants used in bangladeshi traditional medicine: a review. |
Pharmacology |
2018 |
International journal of chemistry studies volume 2; issue 3; may 2018; page no. 25-29 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.44 |
Issn: 2581-348x |
www.chemistryjournal.in |
70 |
Pharmacological effects of crocus sativus (zaffran) and its chemical constituents: a review. |
Pharmacology |
2018 |
International journal of physiology, nutrition and physical education, 2018; 3(2): 593-597 |
Impact factor: (rjif): 5.43 |
Issn: 2456-0057 |
https://doi.org/10.22271/journalofspor |
71 |
Aphrodisiac and antioxidant activity of asparagus racemosus (shatawar): a review. |
Pharmacology |
2018 |
Journal of medicinal plants studies 2018; 6(5): 36-39 |
- |
Issn online: 2320-3862 |
Plantsjournal.com |
72 |
Spirulina: a review on nutraceutical value and health issues. |
Pharmacology |
2019 |
Journal of hamdard university bangladesh. Vol. 5, no. 1, june 2019. |
Issn online: 2409-59627 |
Off line journal |
73 |
Quality control and evaluation of herbal drugs in modern era. |
Pharmacy |
2020 |
International journal of research in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences volume 6; issue 1; 2021; page no. 09-13 |
Impact factor: rjif 5.22 |
Issn: 2455-698x |
www.pharmacyjournal.in |
74 |
Dr. Md. Obydulhoq, Lecturer |
Medicinal importance of operculinaturpethum(linn.): a review |
Medicinal plants |
2019 |
4 |
International journal of unani and integrative medicine |
Rjif 6.3 |
- |
https://www.unanijournal.com/archives/2019/vol3issue1/b/3-1-6 |
75 |
Pharmacological and phytochemical analysis of foeniculumvulgaremill: a review |
Medicinal plants |
2019 |
International journal of unani and integrative medicine |
Rjif 6.3 |
- |
https://www.unanijournal.com/archives/2019/vol3issue2/a/3-1-15 |
76 |
Prevalence of gestational diabetes among the women attending the opd of a selected tertiary level hospital in bangladesh |
- |
2019 |
Asian-australasian journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology |
- |
- |
https://www.ebupress.com/journal/aajbb/category/2019/volume-4-issue-2-august-2019 |
77 |
Ethnomedicinal, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of piper longum(linn) |
Medicinal plants |
2019 |
Asian journal of Medical and biological research |
- |
- |
https://www.ebupress.com/journal/ajmbr/category/2019/volume-5-issue-1 |
78 |
Dr. Md. Shahabuddin, Lecturer |
Application of poly-herbal powder for treating acne vulgaris: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial |
Clinical trial |
On going |
5 |
- |
79 |
Therapeutic use of withaniasomnifera |
Medicinal plant |
2016 |
- |
- |
80 |
Medicinal plant allium sativum- a review |
Medicinal plant |
8-Jul |
- |
- |
81 |
The therapeutic use of centellaasiatica |
Medicinal plant |
9-Jul |
- |
- |
82 |
Neem (azadirachtaindica) in health care: a review |
Medicinal plant |
2018 |
- |
- |
83 |
Natural source play an important role in the field of cosmetics. |
Medicinal plant |
13-Jul |
- |
- |
84 |
Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman khan, Assistant Professor |
medicinal use of the unique plant tinosporacordifolia: evidence from the traditional medicine and recent research. |
Medicinal plant |
2016 |
5 |
Asian journal of medical and biological research |
0.435 |
- |
https://doi.org/10.3329/ajmbr.v2i4.30989 |
85 |
Acute toxicity and antidiarrhoeal activity of the crude ethanolic extract of the operculinaturpethum. |
Medicinal plant |
2016 |
Inernational journal of current research |
1.84 |
- |
https://www.journalcra.com/sites/default/files/issue-pdf/18505.pdf |
86 |
A comparative study of hamdard medicine (hamdard medical and sell center) and conventional medicine in dhaka city |
Medicine |
2017 |
Journal of ayurvedic and traditional medicine. |
- |
- |
- |
87 |
Gender discrimination in household health care expenditure: a comparative study on urban and rural area. |
Public health |
Accepted |
Journal of hamdard university bangladesh. |
- |
- |
- |
88 |
Pattern of drug abuse among street children of dhaka: inhalants are the most popular drug” |
Public health |
2018 |
Delta med col j. |
- |
- |
- |
89 |
A brief analysis of the ancient roman medical system |
Medical history |
2019 |
International journal of unani and integrative medicine |
- |
https://www.academia.edu/41276154/a_brief_analysis_of_the_ancient_roman_medical_system |
90 |
Dr. Mohammad Nazrul Islam, Assistant Professor |
Chikungunya, an alphaviral infection is significantly associated with mosquitoes breeding sites. |
Infectious diseases |
2009 |
12 |
Journal of hamdard university bangladesh. Vol.2, no.2, december p 27-32. 2015 |
- |
- |
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91 |
Fried rice syndrome, a disease of fast world: scientific analysis |
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Therapeutic dietary modifications can modify the devastating consequences of cardio-metabolic syndrome (cms): a scientific analysis |
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Importance of resource mobilization for development of herbal medicine : a comprehensive approach; |
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Sickle cell anemia, a silent genetic disease can be treated by comprehensive approaches: a scientific analysis. |
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Aids related complexes (arcs) can be treated by herbal medicine: prospective and retrospective review |
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Transformational dosage form can change the scenario of herbal medicine in the world: a research based scientific approach. |
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Poverty reduction strategies and mdgs: a diverse scenario in the developing countries |
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Developmental strategies of herbal medicine in the scientific world: research based approaches; |
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Insulinotropic effect of herbal drugs for management of diabetes mellitus: a congregational approach |
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Present status of herbal, unani and ayurvedic medicine-an aspect of worldwide market analysis” |
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Cupping-a divine invasive and non-invasive therapy for health ailments: a scientific analysis |
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Psychological status of the rescue workers following rana plaza rescue operation |
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A review of anticancer property of ganodermalucidum |
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Antidiarrhoeal and antimicrobial activities of the methanolic extract of the flowering tops of rosadamascena |
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A review of evidence based hepatoprotective selected medicinal plants used in bangladeshi traditional medicine |
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Ayurveda, a career oriented education system |
Ayurvedic Medicine |
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Evaluate the effectiveness of carica papaya leaf to enhance the platelet count in case of thrombocytopenia |
Natural Medicine |
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Knowledge about the dangerous effect of excessive use of antibiotics in Dhaka city” |
Public Health |
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Concept and management of leucorrhoea in unani system of medicine |
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Quality control of herbal medicine-a review |
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Effects of garlic on hyperlipidemia: a review |
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A brief analysis of the ancient roman medical system |
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Natural source play an important role in the field of cosmetics |
Medicinal plant |
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